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101 Pokefan Yes - 90 62
101Pokefan - - 3 2
1198593qwc - - 0 0
123liyan123 Yes - 0 0
13athena Yes - 0 0
1qnsh8p4 Yes - 0 0
1Riotmaker7 Yes - 13 27
21 things Yes - 2 2
34 Yes - 0 2
3558900yuy - - 0 0
4804027315 - - 0 0
5kHeng3mZhao - - 0 0
6a1ej7b9o - - 0 0
7th-Swell Yes - 0 0
911 Yes - 42 5
::.Chibi Sushi chan.:: Yes - 75 17
:monday Yes - 4 1
>A> Soopah John Yes - 43 44
? Space It ? Yes - 87 55
????? Yes - 0 0

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“Wax Poteto” 5.8.9 by Waccoon / Based on OekakiPoteto v5.x by RanmaGuy and Marcello
PaintBBS and Shi-Painter by Shi-chan / NoteBBS by WonderCatStudio
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